ULN2803A даташиты PDF / STMicro

Номер в каталоге : ULN2803A


Производитель : STMicroelectronics

цоколевка :

ULN2803A datasheet

Описание :


■ Eight Darlington transistors with common emitters
■ Output current to 500 mA
■ Output voltage to 50 V
■ Integral suppression diodes
■ Versions for all popular logic families
■ Output can be paralleled
■ Inputs pinned opposite outputs to simplify board layout


The ULN2801A, ULN2802A, ULN2803A and ULN2804A each contain eight Darlington transistors with common emitters and integral suppression diodes for inductive loads. Each Darlington features a peak load current rating of 600 mA (500 mA continuous) and can withstand at least 50 V in the OFF state. Outputs may be paralleled for higher current capability.


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Другие с той же файл данные :
ULN2801A, ULN2802A, ULN2803A, ULN2804A